Coming up this weekend 15-16 May 2021

This weekend we will be studying chapter 14 of 1 Kings as Jodie McNeill preaches on the topic, ‘The Darkness of Deception‘.

Join us Saturday at 5pm and dinner afterwards, followed by our ‘Nightlife’ fun from 8pm. Or Sunday morning at 9am, followed by morning tea and hot espresso. We can’t wait to have you join us!

If you have any questions, simply fill out a response slip during the service, email us at or send an SMS to 0439 890 086. Here are the questions Jodie plans to answer:

1 What should we look for in mentors and those who disciple us?
2 Why did the man of God from Judah take a different route home?
3 Did Saul kill himself (1Sam 31:4b) or was he killed by an Amalekite (2Sam 1:6-10)?
4 Why is incense now associated with spirituality and witchcraft, not Christianity?
5 Does the Bible command us to obey bishops and ministers?
6 Is it better to pray bowing our heads or looking up with eyes closed?
7 During communion should we be happy, mournful, or a bit of both?

Our kids’ ministry programs run at both services. We would love to watch your children, from babies to Year 6, and have them join our leaders in a time of fun and learning. The livestream will continue on the TV in the hall so if you need to stay with your child, you won’t miss out on church.

If you can’t make it in person, head to to watch our livestream. To catch up on previous sermons, head to our Youtube channel

1 Kings – Power and Hope 11: The Word of the Lord 1 Kings 13 Jodie McNeill – 8-9 May 2021

A voice-operated universe 

The most powerful voice is the voice of the ____

We see the _____of the word of God

The man of God from Judah goes to ______

The prophet from Judah shouts out a ________

The altar would be polluted then _________

The king orders the prophet to be ______

The king’s hand became _________

The king cried out for _____

The king’s hand was ______

The Lord told the prophet not to accept ___________

We must stand for the truth, even when it breaks _____

The man of God refuses ____________ from the old prophet

The man of God believes the ___ and eats with the prophet

The old prophet ________ and speaks the word of the Lord

The man from Judah will die in _____

The ‘innocent’ man dies in __________ of the word of the Lord

The death of the ‘innocent’ man brought __________

The word of the Lord is still ________ today

Church News for the week beginning 9th May


This weekend we will be learning from chapter 13 of 1 Kings as Jodie McNeill teaches us about hearing ‘The Word of the Lord‘.


Our mission of the month for April is Anglicare. To find out more about how to personally partner visit


We’re getting the lads together for God’s word and a great gathering! Saturday morning 5th June at Dapto. Special guest speaker: Andrew Heard.


Our church has changed to a new bank so please update your regular electronic giving payments to these new details. Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 356 831. BSB: 032605.


Equip Women is going to be live-streamed from our hall on Saturday 19th June from 10am-3pm then stay to chat and pray till church at 5pm! Register directly for $20 per adult through (teens free) and bring $10 for lunch. If you need help registering online, let us know.


Join us in praising God for the appointment of Kanishka Raffel as our new Archbishop.


The concreting project is continuing this week. Please avoid the areas that are out of bounds, and enter the hall via the door into the creche (at the rear of the hall) or via the door at the front (next to the kitchen).


10th Neville Sproule
13th Hugo McNeill

9th Terry & Sharon Lyall
14th Mike & Gill Hoskins
16th Greg & Deb Baker


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Olimometer 2.52 Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the NEW details. Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 356831. BSB: 032605.

To give to our tax-deductible MTS Scholars Fund to support our apprentice youth minister, head to

Introducing Kanishka

Kanishka Raffel is the Archbishop-elect of our Diocese of Sydney, who was unanimously elected after a three-night selection process involving nearly 800 representatives of our Anglican churches and organisations.

He is currently the Dean of Sydney, namely the senior minister of St Andrew’s Cathedral, where he has served for six years, having previously led a large church in Perth for 16 years, having studied at Moore and served in Sydney and Canberra.

Kanishka is married to Cailey, has two adult daughters, and is aged 56.

Born to Sri Lankan parents in London, he and his family emigrated to Australia from Canada in 1972, where as an adult, he converted to Christ from Buddhism.

I have had the privilege of working closely with Kanishka as I serve as a member of the Gafcon Australasia 2021 Conference committee which he chairs, and I have witnessed first-hand his passion to proclaim Christ faithfully.

As a speaker, he has shown himself to clearly teach the Bible and to lead people to know Jesus better, as he stretches the minds and warms the hearts of the listeners, in obedience to the powerful word of God.

In his speech of thanks to the Synod, he showed his servant heart:

You have elected a weak servant, and you too, are but weak servants.  But we have a mighty Saviour – full of grace, sovereign, sufficient, supreme; having the supremacy in all things so that through him God was pleased to reconcile all things to himself  by making peace through his blood shed on the cross. If I can make a pledge it is this – to stand at the foot of the cross, weak, dependent and forgiven, and from there to seek to serve, as he enables.

Please pray for Kanishka as he prepares for the Inauguration on the 28th May, when he will commence this new ministry to us and with us as our Archbishop.


Our New Operations Minister

After a process of advertising and interviewing, the Rector and Wardens are pleased to announce that Jacob Mierendorff has accepted our invitation to serve in the all-new position of ‘Operations Minister’.

Jacob’s focus will be to help everyone in our church work together in the best possible way, so that we can keep focusing on the ministry of word and prayer as we proclaim Christ to the people of our village, valley and beyond.

Following on from the ministry of Kiarnay, Jacob will look after all the ‘machinery’ of our church, from our Elvanto system (with rosters and runsheets), right through to the livestream and social media.

He will also focus on growing our small-group ministry, as well as helping newcomers feel at home in their new church.

Overall, he plans to minister to us all as he seeks to streamline our operations, so that everyone is connected and encouraged in the best way possible.

He will also be looking after the running of the weekend services, as well as serving us through occasional preaching and other word ministries in various contexts.

We’re praying that this will help equip us with the ministry tools and support required to manage our fast-growing church, for the glory of God.

Beginning on the 12th May, Jacob will initially work four days per week, but we are praying that our giving in church will increase enough to enable us to employ him full time as soon as possible.

Please pray for Jacob, and Jemimah, as together they adapt to the life of gospel work, and ask the Lord that Jacob’s ministry might see our church grow stronger as we seek to make disciples of all nations, for the glory of God.


Coming up this weekend 8-9 May

This weekend we will be studying chapter 13 of 1 Kings as Jodie McNeill preaches on the topic, ‘The Word of the Lord‘.

Join us Saturday at 5pm and dinner afterwards, followed by our ‘Nightlife’ fun from 8pm. Or Sunday morning at 9am, followed by morning tea and hot espresso. We can’t wait to have you join us!

If you have any questions, simply fill out a response slip during the service, email us at or send an SMS to 0439 890 086. Here are the questions Jodie plans to answer:

1 Why were kings anointed with oil?
2 If all tribes but Judah followed Jeroboam, why does Benjamin join with Judah in war?
3 Why do some Gospels say that both criminals crucified with Jesus mocked him, but Luke says that one criminal worshiped him?
4 What is the biggest challenge of being a minister?
5 Did God make people homosexual, and if so, why is it wrong?
6 Why do we bow our heads when we pray?
7 What is the purpose of the tiny arch on the south of the stage?

Our kids’ ministry programs run at both services. We would love to watch your children, from babies to Year 6, and have them join our leaders in a time of fun and learning. The livestream will continue on the TV in the hall so if you need to stay with your child, you won’t miss out on church.

If you can’t make it in person, head to to watch our livestream. To catch up on previous sermons, head to our Youtube channel

1 Kings – Power and Hope 10: The Great Divide 1 Kings 12 Jodie McNeill – 1-2 May 2021

Choosing a leader

Studying the kings of Israel _______ us about the messiah

Rehoboam meets the people in _______

‘All Israel’ is only the ________ kingdom

The Northern tribe ask ________ to join them

Solomon had put a heavy ____ on them

Jesus offers to take our heavy ____ and burden

The elders tell the king to _____ the people

Jesus came not to be served but to _____

The younger men advise the king to make life ______

Rehoboam makes them serve him ______

God is in control of absolutely __________

The _____ in the kingdom happens

Rehoboam is __________

Jeroboam is made king of the _____

The Lord prevents a ___ between North and South

_______ becomes the capital of the North

Jeroboam makes two golden ______

The Northern kingdom had a __________ way to worship

Jeroboam made a fake ____ of the Lord’s religion

This shows us how much we need _____

Church News for the week beginning 2nd May


This weekend we continue our series on 1 Kings as Jodie McNeill teaches us about ‘The Great Divide’ in chapter twelve.


Our mission of the month for April is Anglicare. To find out more about how to personally partner visit


We’re getting the lads together for God’s word and a great gathering! Saturday morning 5th June at Dapto. Special guest speaker: Andrew Heard.


Our men’s group are meeting this Wednesday starting at the later time of 9am for work on the grounds and, God willing, some more preparation of the hall painting job. Contact James for more info (0412 446 377).


Our sister Kiarnay finishes this weekend in her role as Administration and Communications Assistant at our church. We thank God for her hard work and for helping our church grow together in so many ways. We look forward to thanking God for her ministry with us this weekend during our services.


This week our Sydney Synod meets to select our new Archbishop. Paul Massey will attend with Jodie as our representatives.


Equip Women is going to be live-streamed from our hall on Saturday 19th June from 10am-3pm! Register directly for $20 per adult through, but teens watch free.


The concreting is happening this week, but the formwork has begun. Please avoid the areas that are out of bounds, and enter the hall via the door into the creche (at the rear of the hall) or via the door at the front (next to the kitchen).


1st Paul Vidilini
1st Red Warner
1st Terry Lyall

9th Terry & Sharon Lyall


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Olimometer 2.52 Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562.

To give to our tax-deductible MTS Scholars Fund to support our apprentice youth minister, head to

Coming up this weekend 1-2 May 2021

This weekend we continue our series on 1 Kings ‘Power and Hope’ as Jodie McNeill teaches us from chapter twelve.

Join us Saturday at 5pm and dinner afterwards, followed by our ‘Nightlife’ fun from 8pm. Or Sunday morning at 9am, followed by morning tea and hot espresso. We can’t wait to have you with us!

If you have any questions, simply fill out a response slip during the service, email us at or send an SMS to 0439 890 086. Here are the questions Jodie plans to answer:

1 Does 2 Samuel 7:14 permit physical punishment in discipline?
2 How is it that the 12 tribes are divided into 10 and 1?
3 If God predestines people, then how can Christians fall away?
4 Do you think we’ll see Solomon in Heaven?

Our kids’ ministry programs run at both services. We would love to watch your children, from babies to Year 6, and have them join our leaders in a time of fun and learning. The livestream will continue on the TV in the hall so if you need to stay with your child, you won’t miss out on church.

If you can’t make it in person, head to to watch our livestream. To catch up on previous sermons, head to our Youtube channel

1 Kings – Power and Hope 9: Losing My Religion – 1 Kings 11 24-25 April 2021

A time for great rejoicing

It is tragic when a person _____ away

It is tragic when a Christian ______ falls away

We go from great heights to great ______

Solomon loved women from other _______

Jesus must be our number-one ____

Solomon’s heart turned ____ from the Lord

Solomon fully __________ other gods

David was a great ______ with a great saviour

The Lord was very _____ at Solomon

The great kingdom of Israel would be ____ away

In judgement there was _____, for David’s sake

God will forgive us when we ______

Solomon’s sin sits within the ___________ of God

Jeroboam would become ____ of Israel

Jerusalem is the Lord’s precious ____

Solomon is replaced by his son, ________

Don’t love the world or it will lead you ____ Jesus