What’s in your Grab Bag?

One of the smartest things you can do if you’re in a bushfire prone area is to get a ‘grab bag’.

In my bag I’ve got our passports, other important documents, and our wedding photos.

And when I go to grab that bag, I’ll also get my favourite ukulele, Mandy’s cello, and a few other photo albums… and, of course, the dogs and cats.

It would be very sad if everything else burned to the ground, but to be honest, it can all be replaced with money from insurance.

It’s an interesting exercise to work out what to put in that ‘grab bag’ when it’s time to evacuate.

Back in 2002 this hypothetical scenario was a reality when we had to evacuate our home as fires moved closer to us.

And in the back seat of our car was a collection of the most valuable things we owned.

What would you take if you had to evacuate, and why?

It’s a timely reminder that the time is coming when everything will eventually be destroyed, and the only thing that will truly matter will be relationships.

Jesus said, “Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal.” (Matthew 6:20)

Jesus made it clear to us that we should store up our treasures in heaven, for “Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” (6:21)

The most valuable thing of all is your relationship with Jesus, and everything else is a distant, second-place.

Which means that if you lose all your possessions in a disaster, then it doesn’t, ultimately matter if you’re safe in the arms of Jesus.

The most important insurance policy of all is making sure you’re friends with Jesus before you face him as judge.

Is Jesus your ultimate grab bag?


(Photo credit: MIKI Yoshihito via Flickr.)

Coming up this weekend 4-5 January

This weekend, Graham Errington will be speaking from Exodus and Luke about the meaning of the Lord’s Supper and why it is still relevant today.

We are taking a break from our weekly question and answer segment, but feel free to keep asking questions by emailing office@jamberooanglican.com or via your response slip at church.

Please join us on Saturday night at 5pm for our family service, which has a kids program followed by dinner for all. Or why not come along to our Sunday morning 9am service? It’s a more classic-Anglican style service followed by morning tea and hot espresso!

Grace and peace,

Church News for the week beginning 29th December


This week we will hear from Graham Errington from Ezekiel and 1 Peter about how the Minister is a Shepherd, and what this example means for us today.


Our mission of the month is Scripture in Schools (SRE). You can support the SRE ministry by donating and buying from the mission table in the hall.


New rosters for January and February have been published. To change a date you have been rostered on, email office@jamberooanglican.com or let us know via your response slip.


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Olimometer 2.52 Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562.

Is it Time for a Fresh Start?

Whilst New Year’s Day is just the same as any of the other 365 days of the year, there is something cleansing and healing about starting afresh on ‘Day One’.

It gives us a chance to try and begin a new, good habit, or maybe try and stop an old, bad habit.

As we start the new year, we can forgive ourselves for unhealthy and unwise living, and permit ourselves to wipe the slate clean in our frequently-failed attempts at doing life ‘right’.

When Jesus spoke to a man called Nicodemus, he offered the man a fresh start when he invited him to be ‘born again’.

We’ve heard that expression so many times that we don’t notice how strange and odd it is for a fully-grown person to experience the journey of a brand-newborn child.

So he said to Jesus, “What do you mean?” exclaimed Nicodemus. “How can an old man go back into his mother’s womb and be born again?” (John 3:4)

Jesus replied by explaining how it is possible to have this fresh start in life, and then he shared with Nicodemus the Bible’s most famous verse:

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

Eternal life comes from being born again, and the way to be born again is to believe in Jesus who died for us.

If you want a true, fresh start in 2020, then say “sorry” to Jesus for rejecting him, and turn to him and tell him you trust him as your king.

Because whether or not you eat less sugar or walk more steps, the most important New Year’s Resolution for every person is to be born again.

Is it time for you to have a genuine, fresh start?


(Photo credit: John Mayer via Flickr)

Christmas Day 2019 The Great Divider Luke 2:22-40 Jodie McNeill – 25 December 2019

Australia Divided.

We need a leader to follow in _____.

Jesus brings ________, not unity.

Mary and Joseph are very ______.

Mary and Joseph meet two ______ Jews.

The Messiah is the ____ of Israel.

Simeon has seen God’s _________.

Jesus will shine to the _____ world.

Jesus is the world’s most _____________ person.

Jesus’ priorities will _____ with Mary’s.

The cost of the Messiah’s rescue was his ____.

Anna prayed constantly for the _______.

Super Saviour, to the ______.

Most people don’t realise they need ______.

At Easter we saw why the Messiah ____.

You don’t get saved by Jesus unless you ______ him.

The greatest gift is the coming of the _______.

We all need ______.

This Christmas, take ______ in Jesus.

Coming up this weekend 28-29 December

This weekend Graham Errington will be speaking from Ezekiel and 1 Peter about how the Minister is a Shepherd, and what this example means for us today.

We are having a break from our regular question and answer segment for a few weeks, but you are more than welcome to continue sending in questions by emailing office@jamberooanglican.com or via your response slip at church.

Come join us on Saturday at 5pm for our family service, where we have a kids program and share dinner together afterwards, or try out our Sunday morning 9am service for a more classic Anglican style followed by morning tea and hot espresso!

Grace and peace,

Acts: Launching the Church 18: Mission Possible Acts 27:1-28:31 Jodie McNeill – 21 and 22 December 2019

Mission impossible?

Paul’s journey is a bit like Jesus’ _______.

It seems __________ but Jesus’ promise is clear.

Historian Luke was _____ on the journey.

The journey seems _______.

They ignored Paul’s ______.

All hope was ____.

The good and the bad ____.

It was _____ to see an angel.

The soldiers ______ the word.

Paul’s promise came ____.

Paul the prisoner became the ______.

Paul is greeted in Rome by __________.

Paul is imprisoned in a _____.

Jesus is the _______ they’ve been waiting for.

They were _______ by the message.

One message with two _________ reactions.

Isaiah’s mission is destined to ____.

Their ____________ makes their hearts harder.

Jesus also ______ Isaiah 6.

Jews have rejected Jesus, but other ________.

Mission impossible is a _______!

Church News for the week beginning 22nd December


This week we will hear from the Jodie on the last sermon from our series on Acts, ‘Launching the Church’ as we look at Paul’s surprising journey into ‘Rome at last’, and the beginning of the end of his ministry in the new era of the church as we look at Acts chapters 27 and 28.


Our mission of the month is Scripture in Schools (SRE). You can support the SRE ministry by donating and buying from the mission table in the hall.


New rosters for January and February have been published. To change a date you have been rostered on, email office@jamberooanglican.com or let us know via your response slip.


This year we will be having our first-in-a-long-time Christmas Eve service! Come join us this Tuesday night at 6pm on our new church lawn for a free sausage sizzle, then an open-air night of carols and fellowship… followed by icy poles!

Our regular Christmas day service will be at 9am in the church with a service of Holy Communion with traditional hymns and readings. Plan to come to both for a full, Christmas experience!


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Olimometer 2.52 Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562.

Flags at Half Mast

We woke this morning to hear the tragic news of the deaths of two RFS volunteers from Horsley Park Brigade, who perished in a vehicle accident whilst firefighting near Bargo.

For me it was particularly sobering, given that only four days ago I was on the same stretch of road, in the same uniform, in the same type of fire truck, serving in an out-of-area deployment to fight the same Green Wattle Creek fire that continues to rage.

Even though I felt somewhat powerless this morning, I knew that I could still pray that God would bring comfort to the many people who are grieving the loss of family, friends, and fellow brigade members.

This kind of tragic incident reminds us of the shortness of life, and that any day might be our last.

Whether you’re responding to a fire with lights and sirens, or simply crossing the road outside the shops, every activity brings risks that can lead to death.

When I conduct a funeral service, I read these words of comfort and assurance from the Bible:

The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.
As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust.
Our life is like grass, we flourish like a flower of the field; the wind goes over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more.
But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children. (Psalm 103:8, 13-17)

At at time like this we pray for the comfort of those who mourn, and we also pause to reflect on our own mortality as we know that one day every person will stand before Jesus to give a personal account for their life.

The good news in this time of sadness is that Jesus has promised to give each of us certainty for eternity if we simply trust and obey him as our loving ruler and rescuer.

Today all RFS brigades will fly their flags at half mast as a mark of respect for the firefighters.

As you see the flags, pray for comfort for those who are grieving, and reflect on the fragility of life this side of eternity.


(I took this photo on Monday on a firetrail between Balmoral and Buxton, only a short distance from where the tragedy occurred last night.)

Coming up this weekend 21-22 December

This week is our last sermon from our series on Acts, ‘Launching the Church’ as we look at Paul’s surprising journey into Rome at last, and the beginning of the end of his ministry in the new era of the church.

Each week during the school terms we have a question and answer segment in our services. To ask a question, simply email us at office@jamberooanglican.com or via your response slip at church. Here are the questions we’re answering this week:

1. Why did Paul go to the temple in Acts 21:26, given that he is under the New Covenant?

2. How can we prepare ourselves for the second coming of Christ?

3. Does it hurt God when we deliberately hurt ourselves?

4. If God answered our prayer for no fires in the Illawarra, does that mean He didn’t answer the prayers in fire affected areas?

5. Is it a sin to use plastic because it is wrecking God’s environment?

6. How do we get the balance right between busyness and rest?

7. Is it bad to miss a day of church occasionally to attend a party?

Come along on Saturday night at 5pm for our family service. We have a kids program for the children, followed by dinner and a youth group for the teens after the service. Or why not try our Sunday morning service at 9am for a more classic Anglican style, and we can share morning tea and hot espresso afterwards.

Grace and peace,