This is the latest blurb that is published on the front of our weekly bulletin

Remember the LORD

It’s 25 years since I became a father, and it’s 25 years since Colin released his ‘Remember The Lord’ album.

These two events intersected in so many ways, for this album became the soundtrack to the early years of my Christian parenting.

We loved Colin’s energy and fun, but we especially valued the way he could help every member of the family learn Bible memory verses, as well as remember the wonderful and important truths about God, Jesus and the Bible.

For his lyrics reminded us that, “nothing takes God by surprise,” and that we should “remember the Lord, remember that he’s in control, he’s watching his children, he cares!”

Colin knows that the sovereignty of God is a wonderful thing, and a doctrine of great comfort… and his songs have helped us sing about this for decades.

That’s why I’m so excited that Colin will be joining us at Jamberoo Anglican on 31st March at 6pm for a special, open-air concert on the lawn.

The advertising says it’s a ‘kids’ tour’ but I reckon the biggest fans will be those, like me, who bought the CD for our little ones to listen to in the car… although those kids who are now in their 20’s might be the ones rockin’ in the ‘mosh pit!’

I’m praying that this event will be a great night of celebrating the amazing love of God, and that for some people, it might even be a musical event that rekindles a faith in Jesus that may have grown dim over the years.

Above all, I’m praying that all who come to the concert will have a fresh experience of the wonder of Jesus, upon whom, “the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all… SING Baa, Baa, Doo, Baa, Baa… Isaiah 53:6… UGH!”

Purchase tickets at this link… but get in quick!


Candidates Forum – 7pm Tuesday 21st February

This Tuesday night, the 21st February, our church at Jamberoo Anglican will be hosting a special, two-hour ‘Candidates Forum’ that will enable us to hear from the four people who want us to elect them as our representatives in the NSW Lower House.

It will be a packed, two-hour program from 7pm, where each candidate will be given a chance to deliver a short speech about the impact of faith on their policies and leadership.

As they prepare for the evening, I sent them four questions about issues we consider to be important.

Firstly, I asked them whether they support legislation that protects the freedom of religious bodies to operate in accordance with their values and to preference staff who align with them.

Secondly, I asked them to indicate their party’s response to the Crime Commission’s recommendation on poker machines, and what their party plans to do to address the epidemic of gambling harm in NSW.

Thirdly, I asked them whether they were willing to confirm their support for SRE and commit to seeing the reintroduction of the religious identity question to the school enrolment form.

Finally, I asked them that if there was a bill banning conversion therapy practices, whether they would commit to protecting consensual pastoral care such as prayer and other spiritual support for a person who wishes to live in accordance with their faith.

Our church prays for politicians every week because we know that our Lord God has placed people in positions of authority as his servants, and that they are sent for our good (Romans 13:1,4.)

That is why it’s great for us to hear from them on matters of faith, and provide a place where they, too, can hear from us about what we consider to be of greatest importance.


Our Mothers Minister

Two years ago we asked Mothers Union Sydney for a special grant for an all-new position of ‘Mother’s Minister’, and they graciously supplied us with the funds to employ Gemma Bartlett for the part-time role.

At the time, I described the role in this way:

We wish to employ a mature and experienced Christian mother to help strengthen and support new and younger mothers in our church to be godly wives who serve their husbands as they bring up their children in the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord. 

They will teach how to develop Christian homes as a place for nurturing children, which will then be a natural environment to invite unbelievers in their networks to witness the outworking of the Word of God in the lives of their families and homes.

This will involve one-to-one discipleship of mothers in our church; the opportunity to train, resource and empower other experienced Christian mothers and grandmothers to share this ministry; and to prayerfully gather all members of our parish to seek to make disciples of all nations, one mother and family at a time. 

We also long to be a parish that learns and then shares from its ministry experience, in order to equip other, similar churches in rural and regional churches with this important, specialised ministry. 

I’m delighted to share that Gemma and all the Bartletts will remain with us as members of our church into the future, and will keep helping mothers and everyone grow in our ministry.

We recognise with great thanks the special contribution Gemma has made to the life of our church whilst serving in this 24-month role, and we thank God for the vision and resources of Mothers Union Sydney in providing us with the grant.

We’re also thankful for how our intergenerational focus has been fanned into flame under her leadership, and for the ongoing impact this has on everyone in our church.


(image credit: Kurt Stocker via Flickr)

Every Age and Stage

Our church loves having people of every age and stage together in church, actively participating and serving each other, to the glory of God.

At the same time, we’re also committed to teaching people in ways that most-effectively communicate according to their developmental stages.

To try and achieve both goals, we run kids’ programs during a part of our Sunday services, so that the younger people can have teaching that’s best for their learning.

Plus, now we’re introducing our all-new midweek kids’ program, Spark, we think it’s possible to keep the K to 6 kids in church a bit more than before, because they can now benefit from a 90-minute program each Friday from 4:30pm.

So, this year we’re trialling a change that sees the Joeys (babies to preschool) kids go out a little earlier (around the ten-minute mark) and have the Roos (Kindy to Year 6) kids stay in a little longer (around the 45-minute mark).

This will mean that the K to 6 kids can be in church to participate with the prayers, as well as hear the answers to the weekly questions—some of which they’ve been asking but not hearing the answers!

This will encourage our church to be even more intergenerational, as it will help us try and get older and younger people together to lead us in prayers, Bible readings, and other things upfront.

Of course, if younger kids want to stay in church with their parents or carers, we’re totally fine with that, and we’ll keep working hard to make the Bible talks as clear as possible for the widest audience.

When Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus, he directly addressed the children (Ephesians 6:1-2) so we know that what we’re trying to do is pretty normal, at least for the early church.

But above all, we just love the picture of all ages and stages together… a slice of heaven!


(Photo credit:

Mission Near and Far

As I gathered with thousands of believers at the recent Church Missionary Society (CMS) Summer School in Katoomba, I experience afresh the joy of looking beyond ourselves with a global, gospel focus.

Missionaries from all over the world were sharing about the triumphs and the tragedies of bringing the message of Jesus to peoples from significantly different cultures and languages.

And even as they paid the personal price of proclaiming Christ in faraway lands, we heard the wonderful news of how the message of Jesus continues to bring genuine hope to a world that is in darkness.

Yet, our mission focus is not only to the nations beyond our shores: for we also partner with and support churches doing ministry in Australia.

Some of the missionaries with CMS are based in Northern and North-West Australia working in ministry with and to Aboriginal Christians from Broome across to Groote Eylandt.

But in Australia we also have a long-standing partnership with Bush Church Aid (BCA), which seeks to bring the gospel of Christ to the outermost parts of Australia.

Their vision is to develop a new generation of culturally-diverse Christian leaders, both young and old, and to support ministry by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as they, “are committed to working with our first peoples so they can serve Christ in ways that are Biblically faithful and culturally appropriate.”

Plus, they seek to plant and renew sustainable churches, like their support of Roger and Amanda Kyngdon in Newman, Western Australia, with whom our church partners.

As we consider ministry near and far, it is a joy to hear of how the gospel of Jesus is bringing real change to the lives of people who live far away from the main population areas of our land, and who have the same need to know Jesus as every Australian.


Proclaim Christ Faithfully

Throughout the Bible we constantly see God work in his universe by his powerful word
through his Holy Spirit.

So, since this is God’s chosen instrument, we devote ourselves to
proclaiming the word of Christ faithfully, according to how he has revealed
himself in the Bible.

So, we, with the Apostle Paul, declare that we are, “not ashamed of this Good News
about Christ” for “it is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes.
(Romans 1:16)

And with Paul, we resolve to, “tell others about Christ, warning everyone and teaching
everyone with all the wisdom God has given us” so that we might “present them to
God, perfect in their relationship to Christ.” Colossians 1:28.

Our vision is that each person in our village, valley and region will know
how to follow Jesus and why it matters… and it should come as no surprise
that this will come true as we proclaim Christ faithfully… all of us!

That is why the word of God features at the centre of our Sunday services, and is at the
heart of all we do as we seek to connect with this world that needs to know Jesus.

This is why we encourage every member to be a part of a growth group, so that each of
us might become mature in Christ, as well as providing an ideal place to introduce
newcomers to our Christian community.

In all of this, we are determined to faithfully proclaim Christ, because if we preach a
version of Christ or Christianity that is not consistent with what is taught in the Bible,
then we rob the gospel of its power, and we end up presenting a false message to a
world that needs to know Jesus.

Whether you’re a pulpit preacher or an everyday Christian with a story to tell, may the
Lord give us many opportunities to know and tell the gospel in 2023.


(Photo credit: Garry Knight via

Equip People for Ministry

One of the wonderful outcomes of the Protestant Reformation was a renewed enthusiasm for all Christians to be involved in the ministry of the church.

Whilst Jesus has given some word ministers as special gifts to his church, their role is to equip all Christians to be engaged in ministry, as we read in Ephesians 4:

“Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:11-12)

As our staff drafted our new mission statement, we recognised the need to give a fresh priority to this in our church, so our second phrase is, “equip people for ministry.”

We want each of you in our church to feel like you’re growing in wisdom, knowledge, and skills as we all work together to see each person in our village, valley and region know how to follow Jesus and why it matters.

To help us do this together, we’ve started to explore options to offer personalised, online training to each member of our church, which can help you grow at your own pace, in your own time.

We’re hoping this will cover all sorts of skills and knowledge training, from theology and small group teaching, through to prayer and safe ministry.

We’re also reviewing a so-called ‘leadership pipeline’ framework that will help each of you to consider your next step in serving in our church.

You are very valuab le to us, and each of you plays a vital role in our church as Jesus uses each of us to build his church, both in size and strength.

As we start 2023 together, how can we equip you to grow in your Christian knowledge, skill and character?


(Photo credit: Tara Angkor Hotel via

Praying to our Sovereign Lord

As we launch a new year, it’s a perfect time to recommit to a deep dependence on our sovereign Lord, as individuals and as a church.

Recently our staff have drafted a mission statement that seeks to help our church focus on three areas that we know will lead us towards our vision to see each person in our village, valley and region know how to follow Jesus and why it matters.

The first of the three phrases says we will “pray to our sovereign Lord.”

Since we believe that our Lord God brings all growth and that he is the one who brings a person to trust in him, this means that we want to be active and enthusiastic in asking him to deliver his promises.

As we grow in prayer, we find some great inspiration in Paul’s letters.

So, in Philippians he prays, “that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding.” (Philippians 1:9)

And for the Ephesians he ask them to pray for him, that God would give him, “the right words so I can boldly explain God’s mysterious plan that the Good News is for Jews and Gentiles alike.” (Ephesians 6:19)

And in Colossians he asks them to pray that, “God will give us many opportunities to speak about his mysterious plan concerning Christ” and that he “will proclaim this message as clearly as I should.” (Colossians 4:3-4)

As we launch into 2023 may our church be passionate in praying that our love will overflow, that we’ll grow in knowledge and understanding, and that we’ll have many opportunities proclaim God’s message clearly.

Will you join us in praying like this in 2023?


(Photo credit: t-bet via

The Star of Bethlehem

When most of us think of the star of Bethlehem, we think of the special astronomical event that happened at the time of the birth of Jesus, that alerted astrologers to the birth of a special king.

For we read in Matthew’s Gospel:

About that time some wise men from eastern lands arrived in Jerusalem, asking, “Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star as it rose, and we have come to worship him.”

Matthew 2:1b-2

If you travel today to Bethlehem, you’ll see a much-newer star that is made out of metal on the marble floor of an underground room in the Church of the Nativity.

The image here is a photo I took of that location when Mandy and I visited a few years ago.

As with so many of the ‘holy sites’, this has little resemblance to the original setting at which the historical events of the Bible took place.

There was no stable, no manger, and nothing at all like the well-known nativity scenes that pop up at this time of the year around shopping centres.

Yet, if this location is correct, this site is the place where the creator of the universe breathed his first breath and cried his first cry.

The site is not to be revered, but as a physical location on a map, it reminds us afresh that the events of Christmas really took place.

The Son of God truly became man, and this man Jesus lived a life without sin so that at his death, he could take the punishment for our sin, in our place.

The star of Bethlehem is more of an ‘X Marks The Spot’ of the birth place of Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us!

That’s the greatest treasure in the world!


O Come All You Unfaithful

I love the classic carol, ‘O come, all you faithful,’ but the sense of being ‘joyful and triumphant’ sometimes feels artificially upbeat.

I know that the song taps into the excitement of coming to Bethlehem to behold the one who was born the king of angels—the Word of the Father now in flesh appearing.

Yet, in our moments of weakness and weariness, this confident chorus can clash with our cries for help.

Indeed, we recall the words of the baby who grew to be a man, who said:

“Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

With this in mind, we have welcomed the creation of a new carol entitled, ‘O Come All You Unfaithful,’ by Bob Kauflin and Lisa Clow.

Here are some of the phrases in the song:

O come all you unfaithful, come weak and unstable, come know you are not alone; O come barren and waiting ones, weary of praying, come see what your God has done; O come bitter and broken, come with fears unspoken, come taste of His perfect love; O come guilty and hiding ones, there is no need to run, see what your God has done; So come though you have nothing, come He is the offering, come see what your God has done.

The sentiment is completely different to the triumphant cry of the classic carol… and this resonates with us in a way that touches our weary and troubled hearts.

This Christmas, come to the boy who became a man, who invites you today to find rest from your burdens as you trust in him and experience afresh the freedom of forgiveness and the certainty of eternity.


(Photo credit: Takashi Hososhima via