Entries by Jodie McNeill

Safeguarding Kids

Every three years our Archbishop summons every licensed and authorised church worker in the diocese to be refreshed in their understanding of faithfulness in ministry. Last Wednesday, our staff team gathered in Figtree for that event, to hear about the important need for churches to help safeguard kids from abuse by providing ‘protective behaviours.’ This […]

Saving Our Region

One of the great things about the Anglican parish system is that every place on the planet is under the responsibility of a minister and a parish. And so in our context, the parish of Jamberoo extends from Jerrara to Carrington Falls and from the top of Mount Terry down to the other side of […]

Long Term in Fiji

In a few weeks’ time I’m heading to Fiji on a three-and-a-half-week, short-term mission trip… and I’d love you to partner with me. As our group prepared for this trip, we wrestled with just why we’re going. In the end, we came up with a concise and reasoned answer to this question, which has helped […]

Reaching Australia

Last week, Jacob and I were honoured to attend the Reach Australia National Conference on the Central Coast, along with 1100 others who are committed to seeing Australia filled with evangelistic churches that preach Christ. It was a very practical conference, as it sought to help be deliberately focused on seeing more people converted from […]

Do you have donkeys?

During our ministry trip to Tanzania, Mandy, Barbara and I had many opportunities to speak with locals about the differences between their life in East Africa and ours in Australia. As I shared with a local Christian, he asked me whether we had donkeys. When I told him that we only really have donkeys as […]

Renewal in Rwanda

Next week’s Gafcon Conference in Kigali, Rwanda is shaping up to be a momentous occasion in the history of global Anglicanism, as we come together to prayerfully chart a renewed course for the church. The five-day conference will include around 1300 people from over 50 nations, as we come together to prayerfully depend on the […]