Entries by Jodie McNeill

Controversial Conversion

In all my years of being a Christian, there’s nothing I love more than seeing another person become a new follower of Jesus. It’s such a joy to see someone go from living for themselves, with all the guilt and uncertainty, to now living for Jesus, with all the freedom and certainty for eternity. Yet, […]

The Worth of Wisdom

How would you teach the value of wisdom to a six- or seven-year-old student in a Scripture (SRE) class? That was the challenge this week as the syllabus required us to explain and celebrate the great gift of wisdom given by God to King Solomon. For starters, it was tricky to try and simply explain […]

God Doesn’t Grow Weary

Over the past week, our staff team were blessed to attend the Wollongong Regional Ministry Conference, along with many others who serve in Anglican churches nearby. A highlight was hearing Archbishop Kanishka offer a word of great comfort and encouragement to us, as we reflected on the challenges of serving during the past two years […]

True Reconciliation

On the 26th of May, this country recognises Sorry Day and it remembers that over 100,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children were taken from their families, many to pass, never to meet any of their loved ones. Many are still walking on this earth looking to find their families.  So it is still a […]

A Day at at Time

From a young age we’ve instilled in our children the need to plan ahead for the future. After all, we want to make sure that we’re prepared in every way for what may occur, and that’s why we think weeks, months and years ahead in our planning. But what if we lived a day at […]

Division Over Unions

For the first time in five years, the national body of the Anglican Church of Australia met this week to discuss many matters, including its teaching about marriage. In this first gathering since the marriage plebiscite in 2017, the members of this so-called ‘General Synod’ were asked to agree to a statement that simply reaffirmed […]