Entries by Jodie McNeill

A Memorial To God

On Wednesday night I joined with millions around the world to watch the telecast from the MCG of the memorial service for Shane Warne. It was a joyful occasion of thanksgiving for the life of a man who entertained people throughout the world with his antics on and off the cricket field. As someone who […]

Jesus Will Forgive

“We. Will. Not. Forgive. Hundreds and hundreds of victims. Thousands and thousands of sufferings. And God will not forgive. Not today. Not tomorrow. Never. And instead of Forgiveness, there will be a Day of Judgment.” Last week the President of the Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, pronounced an emotional judgement on the Russian enemy that has caused […]

Eleventh-hour Conversion?

In last week’s questions I was asked what I would say to someone who wanted to wait till the ‘eleventh hour’ to follow Jesus. This question follows up the story Jesus told about a landowner who recruited different people throughout the day to work on his farm, and then he decided to pay everyone a […]

Troubling Reign/Rain

Over the last week we have seen our news sources cover a flood crisis in Australia and a war in Eastern Europe. Just as we celebrated the removal of pandemic restrictions, we now watched our world become battered by battles and floodwaters. This week our Archbishop wrote to our churches, as he reflected on these […]

Back to ‘Normal’?

I remember our AGM in 2020, which was only days before things changed forever in the life of our world and our church as the pandemic started to spread across the globe. Within weeks we were watching church through livestream, and learning how to do ‘social distancing,’ wear a mask without fogging up glasses, and […]