Entries by Jodie McNeill

Does Religion Matter?

At the last census, the number of Australians who said they associated with Christianity was over 11 million people… that’s 44% of Aussies. Now the big news was that it was a million less than five years before, with the largest decrease in your age bracket… the 18 to 25 year olds. But even though […]

The gift of unity

It’s surprising to read how many times the Bible speaks of the need for God’s people to be united, together, as one. Perhaps the most vivid expression of this is seen in the prayer by Jesus to the father on the night before he died. In John chapter 17, Jesus says: Now I am departing […]

Intergenerational Liturgy

These two big words are rarely used in common speak, but they both mean a lot to us as we ‘do’ church here at Jamberoo Anglican. The first word, ‘intergenerational,’ describes our passion to fully include people of all ages and stages, as much as helpfully possible. That means that we want our church to […]

Cross-Cultural Imagination

This week I messaged one of our missionaries, sharing about the joys that Mandy and I experienced during our recent holiday overseas. She responded by saying that, “there is something very energising about entering into the other world of another culture… it does good things for our imaginations.” As we were immersed alongside people who […]