Church news for the week beginning 24th September 2022


This weekend we will be hearing from God’s word as Jodie McNeill preaches to us from Jude 17-25 on ‘Remember the Apostles’.


On 6th November we will be gathering at 4pm for our first Sunday Night Church! Only the day and time has changed… but everything else is the same.


Save Saturday 12th November in your calendar for our upcoming woman’s teaching day. More details coming soon.


Interested in considering gospel work? MTS Recruit is happening 30 September to 2nd October. Join us at the local gathering live-site at Salt Church, Wollongong. Register at


Would you like to grow a deeper understanding of God’s word? Grahame Scarratt will be lecturing the Moore College ‘PTC Course’ here at our church. If you’re interested, let Jodie know.


Join us at 7am every day (except Sunday) at as we gather to read the Bible, pray, and encourage each other as the new day dawns.


‘The World Next Door: A short guide to the Christian Faith’ By Rory Shiner & Peter Orr. This book is our best shot at commending the Christian message to our friends and neighbours. It’s driven by the universal human instinct to increase the joy of finding a good thing by sharing it with others. We both think we’ve found a good thing‚ the best thing‚ in finding God through Jesus. We want to share it. The World Next Door invites you into a world where Jesus Christ reigns supreme and where lives are changed forever. We have physical copies available for purchase over in the church hall. However, if you wish to order your own copy online or read via Kindle, you can do that here.


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. Last month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the NEW details. Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 356831. BSB: 032605.

To give to our tax-deductible MTS Scholars Fund to support our apprentice youth minister, head to

Jesus Walks Us Through Death

Three years ago I had an oesophageal cancer removed.

I had hoped that was the end of it, but last Friday I was informed that my cancer has returned, and it’s spreading.

Initially I was in shock, but then shock gave way to sadness, and after sadness I found thankfulness.

I’m sad to have to say farewell sooner than I expected: to my family, to my Christian family, and to God’s beautiful world.

But I’m thankful that when I was 20 years old, and heedless and ignorant of God, he laid his hand on me.

I am foreknown, predestined, called and justified by God (Romans 8:29), and I will be glorified.

I’m thankful he gave me Lesley, and for the privilege of many years of ordained ministry, amongst a multitude of many other things.

In the imagery of Psalm 23, the Lord who is the shepherd walks with his sheep through the valley of the shadow of death.

The Christian meaning of this psalm is that Jesus, who is revealed as the good shepherd, walks us through death, as the one who died for our sins.

Then the psalm moves to the imagery of a banqueting table set up by God, which is surely a picture of table fellowship with him in heaven.

How do people face death without God?

There’s euthanasia, of course, which is a tragic attempt to try and stay in control and chose when to exit.

Then, there’s the ‘Thanksgiving Memorial Service,’ where a lineup of family and friends praise your achievements.

But one of the wonderful things about our late queen’s funeral was that she was the one person of whom an endless list of celebrities could have truthfully praised her.

But instead, she chose for us to have a simple service in the Abbey of hymns, Bible readings, prayers, and a sermon.

When the time comes, that’s what I want… minus the pomp and ceremony, of course!

It’s hard to be told the cancer is back, but we’ll keep praying and seeking treatment, as we give thanks to God for your love, support and prayers through this difficult time.


(Photo credit: brewbooks via Flickr)

Coming up this weekend 24-25th September 2022  

This weekend we are going to be hearing from God’s word as Jodie McNeill preaches to us from Jude 17-25 on ‘Remember the Apostles’.

After our 5pm Saturday service we’ll be having dinner, and after our 9am Sunday service we’ll be enjoying brunch together.

We’d love you to join us in-person if you’re able, or watch our livestream at

These are the questions that Jodie plans to answer this weekend during church:

1 When Mary was at Lazarus’ tomb, did she already know about the resurrection?
2 How old was Moses when he died?
3 Why were Michael and Satan arguing over Moses body?
4 How were the books of the Bible chosen as Scripture?
5 Why are the books of the Apocrypha not included in the Bible?
6 How do we distinguish between false teachers and non-Christians?
7 What is fellowship?
8 Can Christians actually have fellowship with false teachers?
9 How do we balance hospitality with unbelievers with avoiding false teachers?
10 What are some sins that have become acceptable in our church?

If you’d like to submit your own question to be answered in church in the future, then simply hit ‘reply’ to this email.

We’re really looking forward to seeing you this weekend!

Jude – Our Entrusted Faith – 1: Defend the Faith – Jude 1-16 – Jodie McNeill • 17-18 September 2022

Interrupting normal programming

An _________ announcement

Jude was the _______ of Jesus

The Father _____ us, _____ us, and _____ us

____ for mercy, peace and love

He says to ______ the faith

The faith is ____ for all time

______ the faith

Christian leaders are __________ the truth

Turn from _______ living and sinful pleasures

These leaders have ________ Jesus as Lord

Jude wrote in order to ____ the believers

We need to remain ________ to God

False leaders follow ______ not God’s word

It’s dangerous to have __________ with false leaders

God’s judgement is ____ and it’s coming soon

These false teachers live for __________

We can be tempted to ignore our ____

We need to be vigilant in pursuing ________

Church news for the week beginning 17th September 2022


This weekend we will be hearing from God’s word as Jodie McNeill preaches to us from Jude 1-16 on ‘Defend the Faith’.


On 6th November we will be gathering at 4pm for our first Sunday Night Church! Only the day and time has changed… but everything else is the same.


Would you like to grow a deeper understanding of God’s word? Grahame Scarratt will be lecturing the Moore College ‘PTC Course’ here at our church. If you’re interested, let Jacob know.


We are thankful to God for our reclassification this week by Synod as a full parish! This comes into effect at the start of next year.


Interested in considering gospel work? MTS Recruit is happening 30 September to 2nd October. Join us at the local gathering live-site at Salt Church, Wollongong. Register at


Join us at 7am every day (except Sunday) at as we gather to read the Bible, pray, and encourage each other as the new day dawns.


‘The World Next Door: A short guide to the Christian Faith’ By Rory Shiner & Peter Orr. This book is our best shot at commending the Christian message to our friends and neighbours. It’s driven by the universal human instinct to increase the joy of finding a good thing by sharing it with others. We both think we’ve found a good thing‚ the best thing‚ in finding God through Jesus. We want to share it. The World Next Door invites you into a world where Jesus Christ reigns supreme and where lives are changed forever. We have physical copies available for purchase over in the church hall. However, if you wish to order your own copy online or read via Kindle, you can do that here.


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. Last month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the NEW details. Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 356831. BSB: 032605.

To give to our tax-deductible MTS Scholars Fund to support our apprentice youth minister, head to

Full Steam Ahead!

This week our Anglican Synod voted to return us to full status after 46 years as a Provisional Parish.

As we reflect on this remarkable revival, there are three things that we can observe.

Firstly, we’ve been part of a special family.

Within our diocese, and around the world, we share a common Anglican bond with orthodox brothers and sisters.

Our passion to see Christ proclaimed faithfully drives us to work together, no matter how big or small we might be.

We saw that when the small-ish parish of Oak Flats shared ministry resources with the much-smaller parish of Jamberoo… even though we didn’t share a common boundary.

And through that partnership, an un-viable parish has returned to full health.

We give great thanks to God for Oak Flats Anglican!

Secondly, we’ve loved our village.

We’re the only church in the village with a resident minister, and we’ve worked hard to serve our community.

Together we’re involved in ministry to Jamberoo Public School, and I’m privileged to serve in our RFS brigade.

And there are two special weekends when the village joins us on our lawn.

On Christmas Eve we invite the whole village to join us for carols, and on Easter Day we welcome the village to hear about the resurrection of Jesus and to witness the baptism of people who follow him.

Thirdly, we’ve been intergenerational.

Every week we include people of all ages in our services, and our meals after church are a great way to get to know older and younger people, alike… and to compete in handball!

Yet above all, the reason that our church has come back to life is because the Lord graciously brought people to us so that with them we might serve him, together.

The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!


Coming up this weekend 17-18th September 2022  

This weekend we are going to be hearing from God’s word as Jodie McNeill preaches to us from Jude 1-16 on ‘Defend the Faith’.

After our 5pm Saturday service we’ll be having dinner, and after our 9am Sunday service we’ll be enjoying brunch together.

We’d love you to join us in-person if you’re able, or watch our livestream at

These are the questions that Jodie plans to answer this weekend during church:

1 What’s the difference between an angel and an archangel?
2 Which Australian state has the worst persecution for Christians?
3 How bad do you think persecution will get for us?
4 If God wasn’t happy with animal sacrifices, why did he establish that system?
5 If Daniel didn’t tell anyone his prophesy then how is it in the Bible?
6 Are the people who killed Jesus the evilest people in all of history?
7 How did Old Testament people get to heaven before Jesus?
8 Did they have clothes back when Jesus was born?
9 Did they have hospitals back when Jesus was born?
10 What is the title and the artist of our opening church song?

If you’d like to submit your own question to be answered in church in the future, then simply hit ‘reply’ to this email.

We’re really looking forward to seeing you this weekend!

Church news for the week beginning 10th September 2022


This weekend we will be hearing from God’s word as Brad Vidilini preaches to us from Colossians 2:6-15 on ‘Life in Christ’.


This Monday 12th September at 5pm at Sydney Synod we’ll be moving a motion to become a full parish…after 46 years! If you’d like to watch this event and enjoy a celebratory dinner afterwards), let Jodie know so we can book you a seat!


Please pray for Oscar, Elise, Brad and Liz as the three-week mission to Fiji begins on Wednesday with Year13.


This conference is designed to help grandparents be encouraged and inspired to invest in the lives of their grandchildren in ways that only grandparents can. Come along on Sat 17th Sep 9:00 am – 4:30 pm at Figtree Anglican Church. See Gemma Bartlett if you’re interested in going with her. Head to the events page on our website for more details and information on how to register.


Would you like to grow a deeper understanding of God’s word? Grahame Scarratt will be lecturing the Moore College ‘PTC Course’ here at our church. If you’re interested, let Jacob or Brad know.


Join us at 7am every day (except Sunday) at as we gather to read the Bible, pray, and encourage each other as the new day dawns.


‘The World Next Door: A short guide to the Christian Faith’ By Rory Shiner & Peter Orr. This book is our best shot at commending the Christian message to our friends and neighbours. It’s driven by the universal human instinct to increase the joy of finding a good thing by sharing it with others. We both think we’ve found a good thing‚ the best thing‚ in finding God through Jesus. We want to share it. The World Next Door invites you into a world where Jesus Christ reigns supreme and where lives are changed forever. We have physical copies available for purchase over in the church hall. However, if you wish to order your own copy online or read via Kindle, you can do that here.


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. Last month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the NEW details. Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 356831. BSB: 032605.

To give to our tax-deductible MTS Scholars Fund to support our apprentice youth minister, head to

God Saved Our Queen

As we woke to hear of the passing of the Queen, we were reminded afresh that our greatly-loved, longest-serving monarch was mortal.

Most of us have only ever handled coins that were graced with her image, and her longevity has brought us unparalleled stability.

But now she has departed this life, and her crown will be worn by King Charles III.

Throughout her reign, she made it known that she gladly submitted to the gracious rule of King Jesus.

Unlike most monarchs, she heeded the word of the Lord, who warned all the rulers of the earth to serve him with reverent fear and to rejoice with trembling (Psalm 2:10-11.)

For, though she ruled great nations, she submitted to God’s royal son (verse 12a.)

And because of her wisdom, she now truly knows the joy that is for all who take refuge in King Jesus (verse 12b.)

We know of her faith because she chose to publicly share her personal trust in Jesus when the opportunity arose.

In her final Christmas broadcast last year, she said that Jesus was, “a man whose teachings have been handed down from generation to generation, and have been the bedrock of my faith.”

And in her life, she demonstrated that even the most powerful woman in the Commonwealth understood the heart of true leadership.

For, as she shared in her 2012 Christmas broadcast:

“God sent his only son ‘to serve, not to be served’. He restored love and service to the centre of our lives in the person of Jesus Christ. It is my prayer… that his example and teaching will continue to bring people together to give the best of themselves in the service of others.”

Our Queen gladly served the King of the Universe, and though she has now breathed her last breath, she is with Christ Jesus, the one who gave his life for her, so that she might have the eternal life she now enjoys.


Coming up this weekend 10-11th September 2022  

This weekend we are going to be hearing from God’s word as Brad Vidilini preaches to us from Colossians 2:6-15 on ‘Life in Christ’.

After our 5pm Saturday service we’ll be having dinner, and after our 9am Sunday service we’ll be enjoying brunch together.

We’d love you to join us in-person if you’re able, or watch our livestream at

These are the questions that Jodie plans to answer this weekend during church:

1 What’s the difference between an angel and an archangel?
2 Which Australian state has the worst persecution for Christians?
3 How bad do you think persecution will get for us?
4 If God wasn’t happy with animal sacrifices, why did he establish that system?
5 If Daniel didn’t tell anyone his prophesy then how is it in the Bible?
6 Are the people who killed Jesus the evilest people in all of history?
7 How did Old Testament people get to heaven before Jesus?
8 Did they have clothes back when Jesus was born?
9 Did they have hospitals back when Jesus was born?
10 What is the title and the artist of our opening church song?

If you’d like to submit your own question to be answered in church in the future, then simply hit ‘reply’ to this email.

We’re really looking forward to seeing you this weekend!