Church news for the week beginning 8th October 2022 


This weekend we will be hearing from God’s word as Grahame Scarratt preaches to us on the topic From Creation to New Creation.


Thursday 20th October we launch an all-new ministry to Women called ‘Nourish!’ Every Thursday morning during school terms, from 9:30-12 in the hall. BYO craft if you’d like, and come for a cuppa and a chat!


On 22-23 October we’re welcoming Cameron and Alex Jones from Dublin to join us for a special Irish-themed dinner/brunch after church, with lots of great opportunities to hear about their church-planting ministry.


Four more weeks till the 6th November we when we’ll be gathering at 4pm for our first Sunday Night Church! Only the day and time has changed… but everything else stays the same.


Would you like to grow a deeper understanding of God’s word? Grahame Scarratt will be lecturing the Moore College ‘PTC Course’ here at our church. If you’re interested, let Jacob or Brad know.


Join the women of our church for a special day of teaching and fellowship – 10am to 2pm Saturday 12th November at Berry. Details and registration details coming soon.


Join us at 7am every day (except Sunday) at as we gather to read the Bible, pray, and encourage each other as the new day dawns.


‘God’s Big Picture: Tracing the Storyline of the Bible’ By Vaughan Roberts.

Sixty-six books written by forty people over nearly 2,000 years, in two languages and several different genres. Sworn by in court, fought over by religious people, quoted in arguments. The Bible is clearly no ordinary book.

How can you begin to read and understand it as a whole?

This book gives you the big picture of the Bible! It provides both the encouragement and the tools to help you read the Bible with confidence and understanding. And it points you to the Bible’s supreme subject, Jesus Christ, and the salvation God offers through him. We have physical copies available for purchase over in the church hall. However, if you wish to order your own copy online or read via Kindle, you can do that here.


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. Last month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the NEW details. Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 356831. BSB: 032605.

To give to our tax-deductible MTS Scholars Fund to support our apprentice youth minister, head to

Coming up this weekend 8-9th October 2022  

This weekend we are going to be hearing from God’s word as Grahame Scarratt preaches to us on the topic, ‘Creation to New Creation.’

After our 5pm Saturday service we’ll be having dinner, and after our 9am Sunday service we’ll be enjoying brunch together.

We’d love you to join us in-person if you’re able, or watch our livestream at

If you’d like to submit your own question to be answered in church in the future, then simply hit ‘reply’ to this email.

Here are the questions Jodie is planning to answer this weekend:

1 Was the water that Noah’s ark floated on salty?
2 What do the names Elijah and Elisha mean?
3 Will we see angels in heaven?
4 How should we help a friend with bad anxiety?
5 If a person forgets God because of dementia then are they still saved?
6 What is a punishment?
7 Is it a sin if the police kill someone for doing the wrong thing?
8 What do the words on the ceiling of the church say?
9 Can we have more information about our Growth Groups?
10 Can we have some sermons on shorter Bible passages?

We’re really looking forward to seeing you this weekend!

‘I Will Wait For You’ – Psalm 130 – Jodie McNeill • 1-2 October 2022

Feeling hopeless?

We’re more ________ than ever

We’ve shifted towards _____________

A radical ___________ to hopelessness

Come to Jesus to find true ____

They’re going up to ____ the Lord

The songwriter is in the depths of _______

He _____ out to his Lord

He asks the Lord to give him his _________

He cries out for _____

Sin is his biggest _______

He knows the Lord gives ___________

The death of Jesus is the greatest _________

When we’re sinking, we need a _______

Our true ________ is as a slave of Jesus

Now he _____ for the Lord

He focuses on the ____ of God

He eagerly awaits the coming of the ____

The Lord has unfailing ____

The Lord __________ redeems them

We need to put our ____ in the Lord Jesus

I will wait for You

It’s Time For Poker Machine Reform

Australians are the world’s most prolific gamblers, with poker machines causing over half our losses. 

NSW has about double (or worse) the rate of poker machine losses compared to every other Australian state and territory.

About 40% of all poker machine losses come from people experiencing significant harm from gambling.

Worse still, the highest losses are concentrated in the poorest LGAs in Sydney.  

As pastors, we can’t remain silent as we hear from people experiencing gambling addiction, who are at risk of physical self-harm, family members impacted by gambling harm facing repossession of a car or furniture, or even children going hungry.  

Recent research reports the prevalence of harmful gambling has continued to rise over the last decade. 

The NSW Treasury budget papers project taxes on gaming devices in clubs and hotels alone will grow to over $2 billion in the next financial year, with an average annual growth rate of 12.55% over the next four years.

And gambling taxation is rising as a share of NSW Government revenue.  

We lament that it could be said NSW and its government have the world’s biggest, most destructive gambling addiction, and a growing reliance on a truly regressive and socially destructive form of taxation.  

The Bible says, “Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honours God” (Proverbs 14:31). 

The Bible also reminds rulers to “Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy” (Proverbs 31:9). 

We believe that there are concrete reforms that both the government and the opposition can commit to in the long term.

This is an edited version of an open letter to the NSW Premier and the NSW Leader of the Opposition, by the Dean of Sydney, Sandy Grant, and the CEO and Superintendent of Wesley Mission, Stu Cameron

Church news for the week beginning 1st October 2022


This weekend we will be hearing from God’s word as Jodie preaches to us from Psalm 130


On 6th November we will be gathering at 4pm for our first Sunday Night Church! Only the day and time has changed… but everything else is the same.


Would you like to grow a deeper understanding of God’s word? Grahame Scarratt will be lecturing the Moore College ‘PTC Course’ here at our church. If you’re interested, let Jodie know.


Join the women of our church for a special day of teaching and fellowship – 10am to 2pm Saturday 12th November


Join us at 7am every day (except Sunday) at as we gather to read the Bible, pray, and encourage each other as the new day dawns.


‘God’s Big Picture: Tracing the Storyline of the Bible’ By Vaughan Roberts.

Sixty-six books written by forty people over nearly 2,000 years, in two languages and several different genres. Sworn by in court, fought over by religious people, quoted in arguments. The Bible is clearly no ordinary book.

How can you begin to read and understand it as a whole?

This book gives you the big picture of the Bible! It provides both the encouragement and the tools to help you read the Bible with confidence and understanding. And it points you to the Bible’s supreme subject, Jesus Christ, and the salvation God offers through him. We have physical copies available for purchase over in the church hall. However, if you wish to order your own copy online or read via Kindle, you can do that here.


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. Last month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the NEW details. Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 356831. BSB: 032605.

To give to our tax-deductible MTS Scholars Fund to support our apprentice youth minister, head to

Coming up this weekend 1-2nd October 2022  

This weekend we are going to be hearing from God’s word as Graham Errington preaches to us from 2 John.

After our 5pm Saturday service we’ll be having dinner, and after our 9am Sunday service we’ll be enjoying brunch together.

We’d love you to join us in-person if you’re able, or watch our livestream at

If you’d like to submit your own question to be answered in church in the future, then simply hit ‘reply’ to this email.

These are the questions that Jodie plans to answer this weekend:

1 Do we know who wrote each book of the Bible?
2 How is Anglicanism different from the Church of England?
3 What happens to those who believe the false doctrines they’ve been taught?
4 Do false teachers realise they are misleading their churches?
5 How should we teach children about what the Bible says regarding same-sex marriage?
6 Do people still worship idols today?
7 What is the point of life?
8 How can we talk publicly about God’s work in our life without sounding tokenistic?
9 Why are all our church instruments electric?
10 What is going to happen to the old pews?

We’re really looking forward to seeing you this weekend!

Jude – Our Entrusted Faith – ‘2: Remember the Apostles’ – Jude 17-25 – Jodie McNeill • 24-25 September 2022

Cyber attack

We must ______ the faith

The ________ predicted the false teachers

People believe things because of their ________

We lovingly urge everyone to ______

The most serious divisions are about ___ and salvation

The false teachers have followed their _________

The true _____ really matters

They need to _____ up their faith

The need to ____ in the Holy Spirit

They need to ____ for the mercy of Jesus

As we wait, we’re ____ in God’s love

We show _____ to those with wavering faith

We need to ______ people with caution

It’s ultimately all about ___

We are _________ in his sight

God is the true and supreme _____

It’s a matter of _________ life and death

Church news for the week beginning 24th September 2022


This weekend we will be hearing from God’s word as Jodie McNeill preaches to us from Jude 17-25 on ‘Remember the Apostles’.


On 6th November we will be gathering at 4pm for our first Sunday Night Church! Only the day and time has changed… but everything else is the same.


Save Saturday 12th November in your calendar for our upcoming woman’s teaching day. More details coming soon.


Interested in considering gospel work? MTS Recruit is happening 30 September to 2nd October. Join us at the local gathering live-site at Salt Church, Wollongong. Register at


Would you like to grow a deeper understanding of God’s word? Grahame Scarratt will be lecturing the Moore College ‘PTC Course’ here at our church. If you’re interested, let Jodie know.


Join us at 7am every day (except Sunday) at as we gather to read the Bible, pray, and encourage each other as the new day dawns.


‘The World Next Door: A short guide to the Christian Faith’ By Rory Shiner & Peter Orr. This book is our best shot at commending the Christian message to our friends and neighbours. It’s driven by the universal human instinct to increase the joy of finding a good thing by sharing it with others. We both think we’ve found a good thing‚ the best thing‚ in finding God through Jesus. We want to share it. The World Next Door invites you into a world where Jesus Christ reigns supreme and where lives are changed forever. We have physical copies available for purchase over in the church hall. However, if you wish to order your own copy online or read via Kindle, you can do that here.


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. Last month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the NEW details. Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 356831. BSB: 032605.

To give to our tax-deductible MTS Scholars Fund to support our apprentice youth minister, head to

Jesus Walks Us Through Death

Three years ago I had an oesophageal cancer removed.

I had hoped that was the end of it, but last Friday I was informed that my cancer has returned, and it’s spreading.

Initially I was in shock, but then shock gave way to sadness, and after sadness I found thankfulness.

I’m sad to have to say farewell sooner than I expected: to my family, to my Christian family, and to God’s beautiful world.

But I’m thankful that when I was 20 years old, and heedless and ignorant of God, he laid his hand on me.

I am foreknown, predestined, called and justified by God (Romans 8:29), and I will be glorified.

I’m thankful he gave me Lesley, and for the privilege of many years of ordained ministry, amongst a multitude of many other things.

In the imagery of Psalm 23, the Lord who is the shepherd walks with his sheep through the valley of the shadow of death.

The Christian meaning of this psalm is that Jesus, who is revealed as the good shepherd, walks us through death, as the one who died for our sins.

Then the psalm moves to the imagery of a banqueting table set up by God, which is surely a picture of table fellowship with him in heaven.

How do people face death without God?

There’s euthanasia, of course, which is a tragic attempt to try and stay in control and chose when to exit.

Then, there’s the ‘Thanksgiving Memorial Service,’ where a lineup of family and friends praise your achievements.

But one of the wonderful things about our late queen’s funeral was that she was the one person of whom an endless list of celebrities could have truthfully praised her.

But instead, she chose for us to have a simple service in the Abbey of hymns, Bible readings, prayers, and a sermon.

When the time comes, that’s what I want… minus the pomp and ceremony, of course!

It’s hard to be told the cancer is back, but we’ll keep praying and seeking treatment, as we give thanks to God for your love, support and prayers through this difficult time.


(Photo credit: brewbooks via Flickr)

Coming up this weekend 24-25th September 2022  

This weekend we are going to be hearing from God’s word as Jodie McNeill preaches to us from Jude 17-25 on ‘Remember the Apostles’.

After our 5pm Saturday service we’ll be having dinner, and after our 9am Sunday service we’ll be enjoying brunch together.

We’d love you to join us in-person if you’re able, or watch our livestream at

These are the questions that Jodie plans to answer this weekend during church:

1 When Mary was at Lazarus’ tomb, did she already know about the resurrection?
2 How old was Moses when he died?
3 Why were Michael and Satan arguing over Moses body?
4 How were the books of the Bible chosen as Scripture?
5 Why are the books of the Apocrypha not included in the Bible?
6 How do we distinguish between false teachers and non-Christians?
7 What is fellowship?
8 Can Christians actually have fellowship with false teachers?
9 How do we balance hospitality with unbelievers with avoiding false teachers?
10 What are some sins that have become acceptable in our church?

If you’d like to submit your own question to be answered in church in the future, then simply hit ‘reply’ to this email.

We’re really looking forward to seeing you this weekend!