Coming up this weekend 27-28 June

This week we will hear from Graham Errington as he leads us from the book of Luke about our faith being ‘More Than Skin Deep‘.

If you have any questions simply fill out a response slip during the service, email us at or send an SMS to 0439 890 086 and Jodie would love to answer them this weekend during our services.

Join us on Saturday at 5pm where we will have fellowship over dinner afterwards, or Sunday at 9am followed by morning tea and hot espresso! If you can’t make it in person, you can watch our livestream over at

The Rich Man and Lazarus – Graham Errington – Luke 16:19-31 – 20-21 June 2020

This parable gives a picture of the _________ that all true ___________ of Abraham will share in one day.

But the rich man isn’t in ______ he is down in _____.

The rich man was in _____ (which means the place of the dead) waiting for his final __________ by God. 

The name Lazarus means “___ _____” which is a clue he was trusting in God to help him

The rich man was _______ towards God and ___________ of his sins. 

Don’t end up in hell! There is no ___ ____ from there: it is _______ punishment for sin 

The rich man should have listened to _____ and the prophets.

So to avoid hell we must do _________, and that something is to ______ and _______. 

Church News for the week beginning 21st June


This week we will hear from Graham Errington as he speaks from Luke 16:19-31 about the ‘Rich Man and Lazarus‘. If you can’t make it to church in person, simply head to to watch the livestream of our services.


As our nation gets out of the doona, we’re moving our Morning Prayer a little earlier from Monday. At the new time of 7am every morning (except Sunday) join us at for a half-hour time of prayer and Bible reading as we come before our Lord, together, each day.


Our mission of the month is CMS. To support this great ministry visit or call (02) 9284 6777 to talk to a member of their team.


The furniture is almost all installed, and we are now awaiting delivery of the appliances. We’ve now received $14,000 in donations, and we’re only short $2,000 in total, praise God. Can you help us raise the final amount before we cook our first dinner?


We are hosting a global Anglican event from our church this Wednesday night 24th June from 6:30-8pm. Watch at as we use our new livestream gear to serve the global Anglican community!


Now that the health regulations have changed we can meet face-to-face in our small groups when your host is ready. Contact them to confirm when you can resume normal meeting arrangements.


To watch videos of our Bible talks and other memories of our church, visit and be sure to subscribe to our channel!


20th Anita Lovell
21st Amanda Kyngdon
25th Jon Thompson
25th Karen Gilmore

22nd Matt & Storm Cignarella


During May we fell a bit short in our giving, but we understand that the challenges of not gathering in our building have made it hard for some of you to get your financial gifts to us for our ministry here in our village, valley and beyond. This weekend we’ll have a way for you to bring financial gifts along to our church building during our services, if you’ve not been able to organise direct giving.

Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Olimometer 2.52 Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562.

Will you pray with us?

Would you consider joining us for prayer one morning per week for just half an hour?

We are praying that the Lord will pour out his Holy Spirit upon our village, valley, and the whole of the Illawarra and beyond… and it is good to bow our knees, together, to do this.

Thanks to Zoom, we can do this easily by connecting at any morning (except Sunday) at 7am.

We read some chapters from the Bible and we pray… and it’s over in under half an hour.

You don’t need to turn on your Zoom camera, so you can join us in your pyjamas or even when you’re commuting!

For some of us it is early, but it is something that is so important that it’s worth getting out of bed for.

You don’t need to read anything, nor do you need to say anything: you can just simply listen and pray along with those who are speaking.

Yes, we meet and pray in our church services, in our small groups, and on our own… but this is something that is a bold statement of our devotion to God as a church, pleading with him to bring great revival to our land.

Imagine if Jamberoo had a reputation for being a Christian village!

Imagine if our church was packed to the rafters with people eager to hear God’s word and love and serve his world!

Let’s do more than imagine… let’s pray!

The Apostle Paul said in Colossians 4, “Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart. Pray for us, too, that God will give us many opportunities to speak about his mysterious plan concerning Christ. That is why I am here in chains. Pray that I will proclaim this message as clearly as I should.”


(Photo Flickr: t-bet)

Coming up this weekend 20-21 June


Join us on Saturdays at 5pm, followed by dinner or Sundays at 9am, followed by morning tea!

This week we will hear Graham Errington speak from the books of Leviticus and Luke about the ‘Rich Man and Lazarus‘.

If you can’t make it in person, you can watch our livestream over at

If you have any questions about our last series on the book of Revelation or Christianity in general, simply email us at or send an SMS to 0439 890 086 and Jodie would love to answer them this weekend during our services.

Revelation Revealed – 9: Revealing hope – Revelation 21-22 Jodie McNeill 13-14th June 2020

A deep longing for something better.

There is ____ because Jesus has defeated evil.

God is _______ the people.

The promise of a new _______ is trustworthy and true.

We must remain ________ to Jesus.

The new Jerusalem is _________.

All God’s promises are _________ in this city.

The city is _______!

There’s no ______ in the new Jerusalem.

There is nothing ______ in the city of God.

Sin and _____ is no more.

We will see Jesus ____ to face.

Jesus is ______ soon.


Come, Lord Jesus.

Church News for the week beginning 14th June


This week is the last sermon of our current series ‘The End of the World: Revelation Revealed‘. Jodie will lead us from chapters 21 & 22 of Revelation as we see the revealing hope and look forward to eternity with Jesus. Join us in person! Or if you prefer to stay home still, simply head to to watch the livestream of our services.


As our nation gets out of the doona, we’re moving our Morning Prayer a little earlier from Monday. At the new time of 7am every morning (except Sunday) join us at for a half-hour time of prayer and Bible reading as we come before our Lord, together, each day.


Our mission of the month is CMS. To support this great ministry visit or call (02) 9284 6777 to talk to a member of their team.


It’s getting closer and closer! We’re expecting to have delivery of all the furniture and appliances very soon. We’ve now received $12,000 in donations, and we’re only short $5,000 in total, including the commercial dishwasher. Can you help us raise the final amount before we cook our first dinner?


We are hosting a global Anglican event from our church on Wednesday night 24th June from 6:30-8pm. Watch at as we use our new livestream gear to serve the global Anglican community!


Now that the health regulations have changed we can meet face-to-face in our small groups when your host is ready. Contact them to confirm when you can resume normal meeting arrangements.


To watch videos of our Bible talks and other memories of our church, visit and be sure to subscribe to our channel!


We are hosting a global Anglican event from our church on Wednesday night 24th June from 6:30-8pm. Watch at as we use our new livestream gear to serve the global Anglican community!


16th Dulcie Piper
17th Eliza Kyngdon
20th Anita Lovell



During May we fell a bit short in our giving, but we understand that the challenges of not gathering in our building have made it hard for some of you to get your financial gifts to us for our ministry here in our village, valley and beyond. This weekend we’ll have a way for you to bring financial gifts along to our church building during our services, if you’ve not been able to organise direct giving.

Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Olimometer 2.52 Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562.

Don’t Give Up Meeting Together

Over the past three months of Covid-19 restrictions, one verse from the Bible has continued to come to mind: “And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:25).

God’s word clearly tells us that followers of Jesus need to make sure we keep meeting together so that we can keep encouraging one another whilst we wait the return of Jesus, but until last weekend, we’ve been told to keep the building closed to the public.

Yet, even though these restrictions have been hard for us, we have followed them because we gladly submit to our ruling authorities, knowing that they are sent for our good (Romans 13:1,4).

Plus, using the technology of live-streaming, we’ve been able to keep hearing God’s word together, and sharing in video conferences to keep encouraging one another after the online gathering.

As people of the new covenant we know that we meet Christ in his word by his Spirit, and that the temple is now his body, of which we are members by faith (1 Peter 2:5).

So, that’s why we’ve still been able to keep meeting together through video screens, even though we’ve been physically separate.

But now we’re allowed to come together again, how sweet is it to be in the same room together at the same time!

We look forward to the final aspects of the Covid-19 restrictions being eventually lifted for church, but even as we cannot properly sing when gathered, we can come together and set our minds on things above as we hear psalms, hymns and spiritual songs sung to us, for our reflection and encouragement (Colossians 3:16).

And though we long to be able to greet one another with a holy kiss (Romans 16:16), or at least a handshake, we know that we are fully connected through our union with Christ, knowing that we can’t get closer to each other than being part of the very same body! Amen!


Coming up this weekend 13-14 June


This week we look at chapters 21 & 22 in our last sermon of our series ‘The End of the World: Revelation Revealed‘. Jodie will lead us as we see the revealing hope and look forward to eternity with Jesus.

Come join us in person as we have fellowship together! We will still livestream at Facebook Live, so if you’d rather stay home for now, then simply head to

Our youth group has also resumed back in person in the hall, from 7:30pm, after our Saturday family night service at 5pm. Our Sunday morning service is at 9am, followed by morning tea and hot espresso.

If you have any questions about our current Revelation series or Christianity in general, simply email us at or send an SMS to 0439 890 086 and Jodie would love to answer them this weekend during our services.

Revelation Revealed 8: Revealing evil – Revelation 17-20 – 6-7 June 2020

A longing for something better

We have lasting ____ for the future

The great prostitute will be ________

Babylon stands for everything that is ____-God

Evil ____ will not stand forever

God calls his people to _____ Babylon

The destruction of godlessness brings us ___.

Everyone on God’s side _______ his name.

The bride of Christ is his ______.

Jesus comes to strike down his _______.

Satan is __________ by God.

The Devil is _________ forever.

The millennium is long but _____ time.

All people stand in _________.

Even _____ is now destroyed.

We cheer when we see things God’s way.