Church News for the week beginning 11th April


This weekend we have our very own Matt Bartlett speaking to us from Psalm 78 about ‘Intergenerational Life‘.


Our mission of the month for April is Bush Church Aid (BCA). To find out more about how to personally partner visit


Next weekend we have special guest Ben Pfahlert as he talks to us from Mark 8:27-38 on the topic, ‘Don’t Waste Your Life’.


We’re getting the lads together for God’s word and a great gathering! Saturday morning 5th June at Dapto. Special guest speaker: Andrew Heard. Save the date. Not to be missed.


Our Parish Council decided to increase our budget and target to fund a new staff position. Our new budget is $4,100 per week, and our new target is $4,600. We praise God that we’ve already reached the new budget in March, and that we’re half way to the new target!


Our Parish Council decided this week that we’re going to invite an ‘Operations Minister’ to join our team in the coming months. Pray we find the right person and that we can raise the funds to support them.


We’ve decided not to collect cash for dinner or coffee anymore, but to cover the costs from the general giving. Enjoy!


We’re now using Vimeo as our main platform for broadcasting our church services… but will still be sending the video to Facebook Live as well. Go to to visit our Vimeo page… and why not hit ‘subscribe’ to make it easier to watch us each week?


Our youth are heading to the Kyck conference in the Blue Mountains next weekend (16-18 April). For more info, speak to Brad Vidilini (0478 623 617).


To watch videos of our Bible talks and other memories of our church, visit and be sure to subscribe to our channel!


12th Cate Brennan
14th Graham Errington
18th Kayte McCann

18th Lee & Katie Hudson


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Olimometer 2.52 Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562.

To give to our tax-deductible MTS Scholars Fund to support our apprentice youth minister, head to

Coming up this weekend 10-11 April

This weekend we have our very own Matt Bartlett speaking to us from Psalm 78 about ‘Intergenerational Life’.

Join us Saturday at 5pm and dinner afterwards, followed by our ‘Nightlife’ fun from 8pm! Or Sunday morning at 9am, followed by morning tea and hot espresso! We can’t wait to see you!

If you have any questions, simply fill out a response slip during the service, email us at or send an SMS to 0439 890 086. We will be taking a break from our regular Q&A segment this week as our minister, Jodie McNeill, is away.

Our kids’ ministry volunteers will be taking a break over the school holidays, but we’ll still have a program for kids during just the sermon time at our services. The creche room will be available for the kids during the service. The livestream will continue on the TV in the hall so if you need to stay with your child, you won’t miss out on church.

If you can’t make it in person, head to to watch our livestream. To catch up on previous sermons, head to our Youtube channel

Are you our new Operations Minister?

We’re looking for an Operations Minister to join our ministry team!

This religious practitioner position is a developing, part-time role to assist the Senior Minister in pastoral care, small group leadership, membership integration, communications, technology management, outreach, higher-level administration support, event management, church services, and occasional preaching and teaching, with an overall focus on developing and building processes, systems, policies and teams in our growing church, to the glory of God.

Applications close 15th April 2021.

Despair and Deliverance 2: Deliverance Psalm 22:22-31 Jodie McNeill – Easter Saturday/Sunday 2021

Christmas or Easter?

______ is the centre

We need the _____ tomb

The _____ was not the end of the story

The ______ is positive and upbeat

Mourning would be replaced with ________

_____ could not hold him down

Jesus truly rose from the ____

He suffered so we would receive _________

He became _____ so he could taste death for us

Jesus felt _________ but the Lord saved him

The Messiah knew he would be _________ by God

The Lord’s sheep ate and were _________

The empty tomb brings the _________ of blessing

The Lord is king and he _____ the world

The rich need to ______ on Jesus

He is risen! He is risen, indeed!

Church News for the week beginning 4th April


Over this Easter weekend Jodie McNeill will be preaching in a two-part series on Psalm 22, about ‘Despair and Deliverence‘, with the Good Friday talk on ‘Despair’ and the weekend talk on ‘Deliverance’.


Our mission of the month for April is Bush Church Aid (BCA). To find out more about how to personally partner visit


Next weekend 10-11 April, we will be hearing Matt Bartlett speak on Psalm 78 about ‘Intergenerational Life‘. The weekend after, special guest Ben Pfahlert will be speaking from Mark 8:27-38 on the topic, ‘Don’t Waste Your Life’.


We’re getting the lads together for God’s word and a great gathering! Saturday morning 5th June at Dapto. Special guest speaker: Andrew Heard. Save the date. Not to be missed.


Our Parish Council decided to increase our budget and target to fund a new staff position. Our new budget is $4,100 per week, and our new target is $4,600. We praise God that we’ve already reached the new budget in March, and that we’re half way to the new target!


Our Parish Council decided this week that we’re going to invite an ‘Operations Minister’ to join our team in the coming months. Pray we find the right person and that we can raise the funds to support them.


We’ve decided not to collect cash for dinner or coffee anymore, but to cover the costs from the general giving. Enjoy!


We’re now using Vimeo as our main platform for broadcasting our church services… but will still be sending the video to Facebook Live as well. Go to to visit our Vimeo page… and why not hit ‘subscribe’ to make it easier to watch us each week?


Our youth are heading to the Kyck conference in the Blue Mountains on 16-18 April. Tickets and details coming soon.


To watch videos of our Bible talks and other memories of our church, visit and be sure to subscribe to our channel!


8th Verlee Kirkness

6th Jonno & Jessie Nicholls


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Olimometer 2.52 Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562.

To give to our tax-deductible MTS Scholars Fund to support our apprentice youth minister, head to

Despair and Deliverance 1: Despair Psalm 22:1-21 Jodie McNeill – Good Friday 2021

Famous last words

The controversial ___

Was Jesus actually ________ by the Father?

We need to do some _______ tracing

Under stress we should ______ God’s word

David wrote this Psalm to describe his __________

He feels ________

Even in his distress, God is still his ___

The Psalms are deeply ______

Jesus had in mind ___ of Psalm 22

He’s the true king and he’s truly ____

God is ________ because he saved our descendants

The experience of David _______ the experience of Jesus

His knowledge of God started at _____

He knows he isn’t truly _________

The Romans knew how to _________ and inflict pain

He would soon be clothed in _____

When he was weak, he knew God was ______

The unity of the Trinity remained ______

In despair, Jesus knew that God was ___ God

Make sure the death of Jesus is the life of you

Getting the Cross Right

Even though some experts doubt whether he really rose from the dead, almost all, credible historians agree that Jesus of Nazareth was executed on a Roman Cross in Jerusalem, around 30 AD.

Yet, not all Christians agree about why he died.

Some say that he was killed by the religious rulers because his example and teaching of love were a threat to their system.

Others say that he died because he wanted to prove how much he really loves us, as the ultimate gift to humanity.

But in the end, we don’t need someone to tell us how to love, or someone to show us how to love, or even someone to prove his love for us.

Our big problem is that we’re all born as natural enemies of God, and unless someone deals with God’s anger for us, then we’re headed to Hell.

That’s why Jesus died for us: to take upon himself the anger that God had for us, so that we might now be forgiven by him and made his friends, if we trust in him as our loving ruler.

It’s pretty full on… but that’s the heart of Easter!

And by rising from the dead, Jesus proved he really did what his Father in heaven sent him to do.

As we read in Romans chapter 5:

When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. Now, most people would not be willing to die for an upright person, though someone might perhaps be willing to die for a person who is especially good. But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. (Romans 5:6-8)

That’s why Good Friday is ‘good’… and why we can truly wish each other a ‘Happy Easter!’


(Credit: Claudio Ungari via Flickr)

Coming up this weekend 3-4 April

Our Good Friday service is at 9am and Jodie McNeill will be speaking the first sermon in a two-part series over the Easter weekend. We will be looking at Psalm 22 and discussing ‘Despair and Deliverance‘. Part two will be at our regular Saturday 5pm and Sunday 9am services.

If you have any questions, simply fill out a response slip during the service, email us at or send an SMS to 0439 890 086. Here are the questions Jodie plans to answer this weekend:

1 What does Jeremiah 31:34 mean for teaching ministry in the new covenant?
2 Since all of us would have obeyed Satan in Eden, were all people sinful before the Fall?
3 Do we go straight to heaven when we die or do we wait until Jesus returns?
4 Why don’t Jews sacrifice animals today to deal with their sins?
5 What was Jesus thinking about when he prayed at Gethsemane?
6 Did Jesus die to save us or to restore our relationship with the Father?

Our kids’ ministry volunteers will be taking a break over the school holidays, but we’ll still have a program for kids during just the sermon time at our services. The creche room will be available for the kids during the service. The livestream will continue on the TV in the hall so if you need to stay with your child, you won’t miss out on church.

If you can’t make it in person, head to to watch our livestream. To catch up on previous sermons, head to our Youtube channel

Church News for the week beginning 28th March


This weekend we will be looking at chapters nine and ten of 1 Kings as Jodie McNeill teaches us about ‘Warning, wisdom and wealth‘.


Our mission of the month for March is CMS. To find out more about how to personally partner visit


In addition to our normal weekend services on Saturday night and Sunday morning, we would love you to also join us for a special Good Friday service at 9am. Jodie will be preaching a special two-part series on Psalm 22 called ‘Despair and Deliverance’.


We’re getting the lads together for God’s word and a great gathering! Saturday morning 5th June at Dapto. Special guest speaker: Andrew Heard. Save the date. Not to be missed.


We’re now using Vimeo as our main platform for broadcasting our church services… but will still be sending the video to Facebook Live as well. Go to to visit our Vimeo page… and why not hit ‘subscribe’ to make it easier to watch us each week?


We’ve now installed a new fence across the front of the lawn, so our kids will be even safer than before. To help keep our kids safe, please keep our gates closed before and after church, as well as other events where younger people are present.


Our youth are heading to the Kyck conference in the Blue Mountains on 16-18 April. More details expected next week.


To watch videos of our Bible talks and other memories of our church, visit and be sure to subscribe to our channel!


28th Sachin Hall

31st Dave & Emma Brennan


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Olimometer 2.52 Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562.

To give to our tax-deductible MTS Scholars Fund to support our apprentice youth minister, head to

1 Kings – Power and Hope 8: Warning, Wisdom and Wealth 1 Kings 9-10 Jodie McNeill – 27-28 March 2021

Almost perfect

The perfectly-knit kingdom starts to _______

The temple and palace is ________

The Lord actually _____ Solomon’s prayer

Forever will continue, even when the ________ doesn’t

It’s the eternal, forever ____ of Jesus

A big _______ from God

God did it, and the people ________ it

People want ____ than God’s blessing

Solomon is giving away some of the ________ land

Solomon seems to have a cash-flow _______

Solomon is over-using forced _____

Solomon is acting more like the king of _____

Solomon seems less committed to _______

The Queen of Sheba came from afar bringing _____

God’s king was world-______

Wise men brought _____ to the newborn king of the Jews

Solomon’s rule gives us a ______ for the real-thing king