Entries by Jodie McNeill

What is Fellowship? Acts 2:37-47 Graham Errington – 26-27 June 2021

Acts 2:37-47       What is Fellowship? Introduction – Tarzan and Robinson Crusoe  Romans 14:7 – For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. Acts 2:41 – Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.  42They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, […]

Growth Groups

Even though we are blessed at our church with great gatherings around God’s word each Saturday night and Sunday morning, there are still many excellent reasons to be a part of a small ‘growth’ group. Most obviously, a weekly or fortnightly group offers the ability to sit down with a few other people to carefully […]

Confirming Faith

Confirmation is a special event in our church which gives people an opportunity to say as a grown up what was promised on their behalf as a baby. Our church believes that the promises of God apply to whole households… which means that babies of Christian parents are also Christians. My kids have been Christians […]

Know Domestic Abuse

When a newspaper article this week ran with the headline, ‘Scripture used to justify violence’, it was a sad reminder that some Christians have distorted the meaning of the Bible to serve their own sin. The Bible is very clear: we are to love one another, and that there is no place for any abuse […]

Comforting Silence

In most situations it’s distressing when we hear the sound of silence when we call out for help… or see if a loved one is OK after a major incident. Rescuers at a recent tragedy reported hearing the sounds of mobile phones ringing in the pockets of unconscious victims… no doubt the calls of concerned […]

Great Leadership

What does the Bible tell us about leadership?  In Luke chapter 7 we meet one of the great leaders of history. He was a centurion, a well-paid, well-respected Roman officer who led a company of a hundred soldiers. But sadly, one of his slaves was about to die, and so he sent some religious leaders […]