Entries by Jodie McNeill

Confirming Faith

Confirmation is a special event in our church which gives people an opportunity to say as a grown up what was promised on their behalf as a baby. Our church believes that the promises of God apply to whole households… which means that babies of Christian parents are also Christians. My kids have been Christians […]

Know Domestic Abuse

When a newspaper article this week ran with the headline, ‘Scripture used to justify violence’, it was a sad reminder that some Christians have distorted the meaning of the Bible to serve their own sin. The Bible is very clear: we are to love one another, and that there is no place for any abuse […]

Comforting Silence

In most situations it’s distressing when we hear the sound of silence when we call out for help… or see if a loved one is OK after a major incident. Rescuers at a recent tragedy reported hearing the sounds of mobile phones ringing in the pockets of unconscious victims… no doubt the calls of concerned […]

Great Leadership

What does the Bible tell us about leadership?  In Luke chapter 7 we meet one of the great leaders of history. He was a centurion, a well-paid, well-respected Roman officer who led a company of a hundred soldiers. But sadly, one of his slaves was about to die, and so he sent some religious leaders […]

Church news for the week beginning 23rd May 2021

OUR SERMON This weekend we will be learning from chapter 15 and 16 of 1 Kings as Jodie McNeill teaches us about hearing ‘Promise and Power‘. MISSION OF THE MONTH Our mission of the month for May is Anglicare. To find out more about how to personally partner visit www.anglicare.org.au GONG MEN’S DAY We’re getting […]

Loving Mercy

What does it mean to live a life that responds properly to God’s grace? This is a question that was asked of the prophet Micah when God’s people recognised that they were not living in a way that reflected the grace of God. Their natural response was to perform religious acts, offering all sorts of […]