Full Steam Ahead!

This week our Anglican Synod voted to return us to full status after 46 years as a Provisional Parish.
As we reflect on this remarkable revival, there are three things that we can observe.
Firstly, we’ve been part of a special family.
Within our diocese, and around the world, we share a common Anglican bond with orthodox brothers and sisters.
Our passion to see Christ proclaimed faithfully drives us to work together, no matter how big or small we might be.
We saw that when the small-ish parish of Oak Flats shared ministry resources with the much-smaller parish of Jamberoo… even though we didn’t share a common boundary.
And through that partnership, an un-viable parish has returned to full health.
We give great thanks to God for Oak Flats Anglican!
Secondly, we’ve loved our village.
We’re the only church in the village with a resident minister, and we’ve worked hard to serve our community.
Together we’re involved in ministry to Jamberoo Public School, and I’m privileged to serve in our RFS brigade.
And there are two special weekends when the village joins us on our lawn.
On Christmas Eve we invite the whole village to join us for carols, and on Easter Day we welcome the village to hear about the resurrection of Jesus and to witness the baptism of people who follow him.
Thirdly, we’ve been intergenerational.
Every week we include people of all ages in our services, and our meals after church are a great way to get to know older and younger people, alike… and to compete in handball!
Yet above all, the reason that our church has come back to life is because the Lord graciously brought people to us so that with them we might serve him, together.
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!