Entries by Jodie McNeill

It’s Time For Poker Machine Reform

Australians are the world’s most prolific gamblers, with poker machines causing over half our losses.  NSW has about double (or worse) the rate of poker machine losses compared to every other Australian state and territory. About 40% of all poker machine losses come from people experiencing significant harm from gambling. Worse still, the highest losses […]

Jude – Our Entrusted Faith – ‘2: Remember the Apostles’ – Jude 17-25 – Jodie McNeill • 24-25 September 2022

Cyber attack We must ______ the faith The ________ predicted the false teachers People believe things because of their ________ We lovingly urge everyone to ______ The most serious divisions are about ___ and salvation The false teachers have followed their _________ The true _____ really matters They need to _____ up their faith The […]

Jesus Walks Us Through Death

Three years ago I had an oesophageal cancer removed. I had hoped that was the end of it, but last Friday I was informed that my cancer has returned, and it’s spreading. Initially I was in shock, but then shock gave way to sadness, and after sadness I found thankfulness. I’m sad to have to […]

Full Steam Ahead!

This week our Anglican Synod voted to return us to full status after 46 years as a Provisional Parish. As we reflect on this remarkable revival, there are three things that we can observe. Firstly, we’ve been part of a special family. Within our diocese, and around the world, we share a common Anglican bond […]

God Saved Our Queen

As we woke to hear of the passing of the Queen, we were reminded afresh that our greatly-loved, longest-serving monarch was mortal. Most of us have only ever handled coins that were graced with her image, and her longevity has brought us unparalleled stability. But now she has departed this life, and her crown will […]

Does Religion Matter?

At the last census, the number of Australians who said they associated with Christianity was over 11 million people… that’s 44% of Aussies. Now the big news was that it was a million less than five years before, with the largest decrease in your age bracket… the 18 to 25 year olds. But even though […]

The gift of unity

It’s surprising to read how many times the Bible speaks of the need for God’s people to be united, together, as one. Perhaps the most vivid expression of this is seen in the prayer by Jesus to the father on the night before he died. In John chapter 17, Jesus says: Now I am departing […]