Do you have donkeys?

During our ministry trip to Tanzania, Mandy, Barbara and I had many opportunities to speak with locals about the differences between their life in East Africa and ours in Australia.
As I shared with a local Christian, he asked me whether we had donkeys.
When I told him that we only really have donkeys as pets, he asked me what we used to transport things around the farm and into town.
I told him about our tractors, utes, and trucks… and it was soon obvious that we lived in very different worlds.
Then I talked about the clean running water in my home, and our reliable supply of electricity… not to mention our multiple flushing toilets!
Though we are all equal and precious in God’s sight, not all Christians have the same wealth and ‘standard’ of living.
Yet, the size of a person’s house or bank account does not determine their level of satisfaction and contentment.
For as we experienced the singing and laughter of the Tanzanians, we saw deep joy and happiness amongst those who had far less money than us.
It was a fresh challenge for us to share our wealth with those who are in need… especially those who crave the basics of food, shelter, and education.
As we travelled in Tanzania, we witnessed first hand a number of special projects run by our friends at Anglican Aid… including schools that help protect vulnerable young girls as they face physical harm.
We were challenged afresh to share some of our wealth with those who are in great need of financial support… even though they have a satisfaction and joy that is coveted in the West.
Is this a good time for you to reflect upon your generosity with Christian brothers and sisters in need?
Why not visit Anglican Aid ( and see how you can let grace flow?
(photo credit: Jeff Attaway via Flickr)